Exegetical Resources
Summary of Wallace’s
Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics
Wallace’s text is the standard text on Greek exegesis of the New Testament. In the appendix, he provides a summary of his book. I’ve rearranged that summary into 7 pages for easy reference. It’s useful as a ‘cheat sheet’ for exegesis.
Features: organized into units (Verbs & Verbals, Nouns & Nominals, Clauses, Prepositions), page numbers for each section, bold indicates more common features.
Current Version: 3.1 | 2023.05.08
Summary of Hebrew Exegesis Principles
This summary is a combination of multiple resources. It focuses on Arnold & Choi’s A Guide to Biblical Hebrew Syntax and is keyed to the 2nd edition’s section numbers. The end has some content from DeRouchie’s How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament: Twelve Steps from Exegesis to Theology. It is 7 pages.
Features: organized into units (Verbs & Verbals, Nouns & Nominals, Particles, Clauses & Sentences, A Summary of the Exegetical Process, Exegetically Significant Elements), example Hebrew sentences, SBL BibLit font for readability.
Current Version: 3.3 | 2023.05.09
In the future I plan to add insights from other standard texts like Gesenius, Waltke & O’Connor, Joüon & Muraoka, so be sure to check for updates.
Exegetical essays on 1-3 John.