Thoughts on Scripture and life
for the glory of Jesus Christ

Weekly Roundup: 2019.04.17
John Calvin on the phrase “[Christ] descended into hell”, Sinclair Ferguson with an insightful article about joy in God, John MacArthur with a pungent article on the insufficiency of worldly philosophy but the sufficiency of Christ, and an article by 9Marks exhorting pastors to explain how they reached their conclusions about the Scriptural text.

The Theory of Relativity
Few other theories in physics come close to the stunning beauty, and revolutionary nature, as Einstein's. We can no longer describe physical phenomenon in absolute terms and call ourselves accurate; instead everything must be described in terms of relativity.
But the idea of relativity didn't stay in the cosmos. It came to Earth. Modern man has brought Einstein's theory of general relativity from the realm of physics into metaphysics, from science into philosophy. The zeitgeist, or spirit of the times, can be summarized in the term "moral relativism."

A Philosophy of the Christian Life
What is the Christian life?
Surely, it is more than the activities that fill the time and events that occupy the calendar. Scripture reading, prayer, service, fellowship, and acts of love are of the utmost importance, but being a Christian is more than the sum of those parts.