Thoughts on Scripture and life
for the glory of Jesus Christ

God Moves in a Mysterious Way by Indelible Grace

Weekly Roundup: the beauty of Christ, God is for you, update from Cambodia, sinful anger
Forgetting the beauty of Christ, how to know if God is for you, a gospel update from Cambodia, and the dawn of realizing your sinful anger.

Article Roundup: 2018.11.19
Floral artist to Washington Supreme Court, , UC Berkeley campus senator abstains from a vote. Now students want her out, Soul Diagnostic: How to Know If You Are a Christian, Conversion: The Experience of Salvation

To Every Man Who Will Die
Let us not have to say in a hesitating way one to another, "I trust he is happy; he talked so nicely one day; and he seemed so pleased with a chapter in the Bible on another occasion; and he liked such a person, who is a good man."