Thoughts on Scripture and life
for the glory of Jesus Christ

The Critical Race Theory (CRT) Worldview
Critical Race Theory (CRT) teaches that throughout history, all institutions (social and legal) have been inherently racist, creating a world where white people have been granted an intrinsic advantage over colored people.

Theodicy: Answering the Problem of Evil
If God was all-good, then He would desire to eliminate all evil. If He was all-powerful, then He could eliminate all evil. But because there is evil in the world, He is either not all-powerful, not all-good, or both. And if He is not, then He is not the Christian God and therefore God does not exist.

What is Presuppositional Apologetics?
Presuppositional apologetics (PA) is the apologetical framework that teaches that the biblical worldview is the only viable interpretation of reality, and thus must be presupposed (not abandoned) to answer the objections of unbelief.

What is Apologetics?
Christian apologetics is the act of defending the Christian faith as reasonable, consistent, and true.

Ephesians 2:6 — New Life and True Life
It wouldn't take much to prove Christianity wrong.
Any atheist, any evolutionist, any Jew, any religionist knows it. If I were them, and I were to set out to prove that Jesus, the Bible, Christianity, etc. were all a lie, I would go for the jugular. I would go for the one thing upon which all of Christianity stands, the one thing which validates all other hopes, the one claim of the Bible, about which all other truths orbit.
For if I could show that this one thing, that one doctrine, were not true, it would prove definitively, once and for all, that Jesus Christ and everything associated with Him, was a sham, a myth, a lie.
What is that doctrine? It's not the literal six-day creation. It's not the coming judgment of the world. It's not the existence of miracles. It's not the existence of Satan. It's not hell.
It's the resurrection - the real, literal, bodily, physical resurrection of Jesus Christ.