Thoughts on Scripture and life
for the glory of Jesus Christ

Weekly Roundup: On Reading the Bible
The end of 2019 is quickly approaching, which means that resolution and plans for 2020 are right around the corner! I’ve compiled some articles about Bible reading to help start the new year on the right foot.

Weekly Roundup: Unsettled by the Bible, Simul Justus et Peccator, etc.
Unsettled by the Bible, justified and a sinner, how to be a family, putting the pretty lyrics of 1 Corinthians 13 back into the church.

How To: Read the Bible
God wrote a Book. It is the very Word of God, God's perfect message from His own mouth through His servants for His people. By His Word, God unveils the mystery of the universe, unfolds His plans hidden from before time began, prophecies the end from the beginning, secures His everlasting promises, calls His elect from death unto life, equips His Church for the work of service, damns the unrepentant to their doom, and seals the fate of the world.

We Need the Word of God
After showing that the Church, from it's conception in the first century even to the modern day, has always believed that the Bible is the Word of God, B.B. Warfield asks the question, "Why? Why is it that Christians have always believed that the Word says, God says?" ...Of all doctrines that the Bible teaches, why has this truth stood with such fierce tenacity from the very beginning? B.B. Warfield explains.