Article Roundup: 2018.11.05

The first article roundup in a long time. I’ll be picking from some oldies but goodies to include as well as from the most recent articles I’ve read.

As a reminder, all of the articles I’ve saved are available in my Evernote collection here.

Ammai - Mother and Missionary | Jeff S. | HeartCry Missionary Society

“Real love is sacrificial, and it is costly. The same was true for Amy’s love. It cost her dearly. It was a burden that she carried. She felt overwhelmed at times—overwhelmed by the work ahead, overwhelmed by the needs of the people, overwhelmed by the darkness that still covered the land, and overwhelmed by the insufficiency of her own efforts. She felt that her efforts were like ”a snowflake falling on a great pyramid, melting and vanishing as it touched the hot stone.“ Thus, she would have to remind herself: ”Not to yield is all that matters. Failure or success as the world understands these words, it is of no eternal account. To be able to stand steady in defeat is in itself a victory“ (p.78).”

How to Leave a Church | Eric Davis | The Cripple Gate

“Leaving a local church in an ungodly way is not without pain. People have poured into the individual; they’ve prayed for them; they’ve walked with them; they’ve exhausted themselves for them, and yet the individual leaves as if the church was nothing more than one of many hot dog stands at the county carnival.”

The Plight of Churchless Christians | Eric Davis | The Cripple Gate

“Churchless Christians. Flockless sheep. Bodyless body-parts. First century Christians would not have had a category for such a thing. It would’ve been one of the more bizarre phenomena imaginable.”

Four Implications of Martin Luther’s Theology | Sinclair Ferguson | Ligonier Ministries

“Luther once said, “If I could believe that God was not angry at me, I would stand on my head for joy.””


His Mercy is More - Matt Boswell and the Boyce College Choir


A Letter from the Editor: Echo of Glory is now The Art of Godliness!