Bible Study During a Revival

Speaking about the remarkable work of God in Quebec, D. A. Carson writes,

"In the summer of 1976, I spent a week or ten days teaching a modular course in Sherbrooke. On Wednesday night I was asked to speak at the prayer meeting and Bible study of the church that Jacques had left two years earlier. I asked the pastor how long I had to speak. He replied, “These people are hungry for the Word. I never take less than an hour; as a visitor, you should take more, of course.” I arrived at 7:30. About eighty-five people were present. There was half an hour of reverent singing, some of it freshly written hymns and songs. Shortly after 8:00 I began to preach. I finished just before 9:30. The pastor said this was a wonderful opportunity to ask any question they wanted about what the Bible said. I answered questions until 10:00 P.M. Then prayer requests were solicited, and almost all of them had to do with the conversion of people or the spiritual growth of people to whom these believers were bearing witness. We got down on our knees to pray about 10:30 P.M. I was the first to leave, sometime between 12:30 and 1:00 A.M., as I still had some preparation to do for my class at 8:00 A.M. the next morning. The pastor assured me that this was a fairly normal Wednesday evening."

D.A. Carson, Memoirs of an Ordinary Pastor. Loc 1783 of 2531


Calloused to the Word of God


To Neglect To Pray