Poor Sinner

[Commenting on Luke 23:39-43] Have I not a right to say, Christ will receive any poor sinner who comes to Him with the prayer of faith, and cast out none? Behold the proof of it. If ever there was one that seemed too bad to be received, this was the man. Yet the door of mercy was wide open even for him. Have I not a right to say, By grace ye may be saved through faith, not of works: fear not, only believe? Behold the proof of it. This thief was never baptized; he belonged to no visible Church; he never received the Lord's Supper; he never did any work for Christ; he never gave money to Christ's cause! But he had faith, and so he was saved.

Ryle, J. C. (2010-04-27). Holiness: Its Nature, Hindrances, Difficulties, and Roots (p. 157). . Kindle Edition.




Judge of Sin