Thoughts on Scripture and life
for the glory of Jesus Christ

The God Who Paints With the Dark
Articles Keith Fong Articles Keith Fong

The God Who Paints With the Dark

The painter who uses the deepest of blacks is not guilty because he brings the darkness. Shadow and light, hard and soft, are only known when thrown in sharp contrast and sweet relief to one another. The same colors that make the rainbow compose the colors of blood, fire, and the clouds of the storm.

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Identity (Part 3): Delighted in God
Articles Keith Fong Articles Keith Fong

Identity (Part 3): Delighted in God

Being a Christian is so much more than just going to church, learning right theology, and going through the motions of being a “good Christian.” I want all that you are—your heart, soul, mind, strength; your affections, desires, wants; your hopes, dreams, ambitions; your love, your joy, your peace—to be for our Savior. That is the good life. That is the abundant life that Christ promised, when we are enraptured with His love and fully happy in Him.

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Identity (Part 2): Whose Are You?
Articles Keith Fong Articles Keith Fong

Identity (Part 2): Whose Are You?

Instead of wandering in the desert, mists here today and gone tomorrow, a spiritual vagabond and vagrant with no home, no peace, no love, would you not rather be a child of the living God, home with the Heavenly Father, safe in His care? Dear Christian, know who you are. You belong to God!

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Identity (Part 1): Who Are You?
Articles Keith Fong Articles Keith Fong

Identity (Part 1): Who Are You?

Identity is crucial.1 Identity not only defines how we introduce ourselves, but also dictates how and why we live. Through our identity, we interpret the world, understand relationships, choose our actions, have stability, and worship. …Our problem is that there are a billion voices clamoring to define who and what we are.

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The Johannine Concept of Abiding
Resources Keith Fong Resources Keith Fong

The Johannine Concept of Abiding

“Abide with me; fast falls the eventide / The darkness deepens; Lord, with me abide.”[1] So begins the comforting hymn by Henry F. Lyte. But, to brusquely push past the sweetness of the lyrics, what does Lyte mean by ‘abide’? Is he asking Christ to tolerate him, wait for him, accept him, remain with him, continue with him, or dwell with him?[2]

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By the Water and the Blood
Resources Keith Fong Resources Keith Fong

By the Water and the Blood

John claims that Jesus, the Son of God, came through water and blood…not by this water only, but by this water and by this blood (1 John 5:6). This is the very testimony of God (5:9). Yet, how do water and blood speak? What is their message, and why is it so important that Christ by both the water and the blood?

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God’s Love for Us, Perfected
Resources Keith Fong Resources Keith Fong

God’s Love for Us, Perfected

What is a perfect love? John seems to answer the question when he writes, “…If we love one another, God abides in us, and His love is perfected in us” (1 John 4:12). So, on the surface, it seems that a perfect love for man is one that is reaches moral perfection by practicing love. But this clashes with experiential reality. Can such a love ever be achieved by mere mortal man? Is there anything that sinful man can truly claim to do perfectly—especially that highest virtue of love?

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Christians Don’t Sin
Resources Keith Fong Resources Keith Fong

Christians Don’t Sin

Do Christians have sin, or do they not? 1 John 1:8-9 teaches that a Christian must admit he has sin, or else be condemned for not having “the truth” (1:8) and making God “a liar” (1:10) Yet 1 John 3:6b seems to teach that if one does sin at all, he does not know Christ!

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